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Marilyn Monroe impersonator #278

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  • Great Marilyn Monroe impersonator
  • 100% authentic experience
  • Amazing choice for your event

This Marilyn Monroe impersonator  is a singer, actress and model. When she surprised a friend in 2006 with her Marilyn Monroe act, she never thought she would be singing “Happy Birthday” for Dolce and Gabbana in Milan just six months later. Her mission in life has always been to bring people joy. Claudia’s life is a wonderful mix of glamour and hard work.

With her down-to-earth attitude, she always finds the right balance between the glitz and glamour of show business and just being “Claudia”.Since this first plunge into the entertainment business she has been co creating Marilyn experiences throughout the world.

She is grateful for all the opportunities she has had to shine in theatre, on moviesets, at corporate events and most recently as one of “the 100” of the “Dutch TV show All together Now”