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Frank Sinatra tribute #325

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  • Great Frank Sinatra tribute
  • Great choice for your event
  • Amazing atmosphere & perfect music

I'm a reasonably well preserved fifty-seven year old full time singer and entertainer specialising in the music of The Great American Songbook, the songs I have loved since I was fourteen years old. I work between four to sometimes six nights a week (if I'm lucky!) performing my Sinatra / Swing show for audiences in Pubs, Clubs, Restaurants and Private Parties including weddings, and sadly also funerals, which lately I do quite a lot of.
I normally work with backing tracks and I bring my own sound system to every gig - a top of the range Bose LS1 which is quick and convenient to set up and gives me great flexibility when it comes to rigging up in small spaces. The sound is fantastic and will fill an entire room with just one tower speaker. It looks nice too!

I bring a lot of props to my gigs too (lights, backdrops and even a bar table and bar stool) because I believe in creating the most authentic vibe possible and the atmosphere of the 'Lounge' jazz club. I have a bottle of Jack Daniels in honour of Frank Sinatra on display at every gig I do. The bottle stays unopened and I drink Apple Juice and Coca Cola only, so please don't buy me a drink if you see me (unless it's a nice cup of coffee) because I'm all catered for.

My average show, performed usually with backing tracks (the best quality I can get because I am passionate about getting the most true to life sound possible) lasts about three hours, during which I perform the entire classic repertoire of Sinatra and Dean Martin, including some more up to date arrangements of classic Swing Songs and ballads as sung by Michael Buble. I can cover Matt Monro, Tony Bennett and Nat King Cole as well. It takes me an hour and fifteen minutes to set up and soundcheck from arrival at most venues and roughly 45 minutes to pack up and get out of most venues I perform in. Obviously if the "get in" or "get out"of a venue presents challenges (ie travelling between floors, going up or down stairs or along corridors) this process can take longer.